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8th "Creation of Industrial Infrastructure" Technical Meeting held
On Wednesday, July 17, the 8th "Creation of Industrial Infrastructure" Technical Meeting was held at the Canon Global Management Institute (CGMI). This meeting, where reports on research funded with grants under that program are given, was the first to be held in the Reiwa era that commenced this year in Japan.
Following the opening address given by Canon Foundation Chairman Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, eleven research representatives whose studies concluded in March 2019 reported on their findings for each of three sessions: "functional elements utilizing materials and process technology," "functional materials that drive forward nanotechnology" and "latest technology in genome research." With Screening Committee members with specialization in each of those domains chairing the sessions, productive presentations of findings by the researchers followed by lively Q&A sessions took place.
The report meeting was concluded by Chief of the Screening Committee Yoshihito Osada, who offered his general comments on the proceedings and voiced his expectations for the future activities of the researchers who gave reports.
Following the report meeting, a social gathering was held where meeting attendees interacted animatedly with each other, livening up the venue considerably as they did.