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This website uses the following plug-in and helper applications. If you have not installed these applications, you can download them from the site indicated. The plug-in and helper applications are subject to change without notice.


As a general principle, the copyright for content such as texts, photographs and illustrations on this website shall belong to the Canon Foundation ("the Foundation"). Please obtain permission from the Foundation if you wish to use (by means such as copying, modifying or distributing) any information on this website beyond the extent of personal use or other uses permitted by copyright law.

Prohibited Acts

Users of this website are prohibited from the following:

  1. actions that result or may result in infringement of the property or privacy of the Foundation or a third party;
  2. actions that hinder or result in damage to a third party or the Foundation;
  3. actions that result or may result in violation of public order or standards of decency;
  4. actions that result or may result in criminal activity or a threat of criminal activity;
  5. actions that result in false declaration or notification (registration of another person's email address or the like);
  6. sales activities or profit-making activities, or preparations for these activities;
  7. actions that damage the reputation or credibility of a third party or the Foundation;
  8. actions that result or may result in the installation or transmission of a malicious software program (computer virus or the like);
  9. other actions that result or may result in violation of laws, ordinances or regulations;
  10. other actions that the Foundation judges to be inappropriate.

Linking from this website or to other websites

Other websites linked from this website are under the management and operation of the respective individual corporations or persons in charge. These websites are not under the management of the Foundation. The Foundation accepts no liability for any damages you or your company suffer from accessing other websites linked from this website.
You or your company accept full responsibility for accessing websites linked from this website according to the conditions specified by the relevant websites. The Foundation provides the links to these websites only for the convenience of you or your company. The links and the products, services, etc., presented on these websites are not to be construed as being recommended by the Foundation.
Such links do not indicate that the Foundation has a special relationship (collaboration, cooperation, etc.) with the corporations and individuals who manage or operate the linked websites.

Linking to this website

When requesting to link this website from your or your company's website, observe the following requirements.

  1. The Foundation shall not be liable for any damages to you or your company resulting from linking to this website.
  2. The information and URL of this website are subject to change without notice. No assurance is given that such information will be permanently maintained.
  3. Do not link to this website in a manner that obscures the fact that the website belongs to the Foundation (e.g. indication in a frame or the like).
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  5. The use of any links that infringe on the rights of the Foundation, or impede the business operations of the Foundation, is prohibited.
  6. Linking to or introducing this website by email from a website that contains the following matters is prohibited.
    • Content that violates public order and standards of decency;
    • Illegal content;
    • Adult-oriented content;
    • Content that abuses or slanders the Foundation or anyone related to the Foundation.
  7. The name of the Foundation shall be expressed as any of the following: "The Canon Foundation, a general incorporated foundation", "The Canon Foundation (general incorporated foundation)" or "The Canon Foundation".
  8. A link to this website does not indicate any formal relationship between you or your company and the Foundation.
  9. The Foundation provides no guarantees to you or your company regarding any link to this website. The Foundation accepts no responsibility or obligation to you or your company.
  10. A link to this website does not represent the granting of any rights to the content of this website (text, images, audio or any other information presented on this website).
  11. If you or your company is found to have violated any of the above terms, you must accede to any request by the Foundation to delete the relevant link.

Exemption from responsibility

The Foundation may change or delete the content and URL of this website without notice. No assurance is provided that this website will be updated with the latest information. The operation of this website may be interrupted or halted without notice. The Foundation accepts no liability for any damages resulting from the above.
The Foundation accepts no liability for any damages attributable to the content or the use of this website.
The Foundation reserves the right to modify this site policy without notice. In such a case, the site policy is deemed to have been changed.